Cass Business School, microsite, lion roaring

Cass Business School

Extraordinary calling website


Photography and video
Website, UX, design and development
Creativepool Annual 2019 shortlisted, The Drum Design Awards Finalist 2019

The brief

Cass needed a recruitment campaign that would turn our ‘Extraordinary calling’ concept into student applications.


Photography and video
Website, UX, design and development
Creativepool Annual 2019 shortlisted, The Drum Design Awards Finalist 2019
Cass microsite, diving whale

Our answer

We created an engaging interactive piece that brought to life the campaign message and showcased why Cass is so popular. To support our ‘Extraordinary calling’ brand proposition, a film was created featuring four different animals and their ‘calls’: the extraordinary ways that they communicate. Using this brand film and the animal concept we created a graphical look, of particular animals supported by a strong message set in bold typography.

We created a responsive (mobile friendly) microsite to showcase the film. Traffic was pointed to the microsite via teaser banners where viewers were then directed to specific areas of the main Cass website e.g. Undergraduate, MBA, MSc etc.

The user scrolled vertically (following a graphic of eg: a diving Blue Whale) through the Cass programmes encouraging exploration of programme specific video content. The Cass brand identity is ‘revealed’ towards the end of the ‘journey’ with an animated ’splash’ which ties-in to our visual identity system (that we had previously created for Cass).

Without the hindrance of a CMS we were free to explore and create an immersive and refreshing mobile-first HTML experience.

Cass Business School, microsite, on three mobile phones. Bat 'Undergraduates, spread your wings', Lion 'MBA, get respect', Whale MSc, join the heavy hitters'

The impact

This has been the most successful Cass online campaign to date resulting in a 15.5% increase in new visitors to the main website. The campaign exceeded all expectations and lived up to the title of ‘Extraordinary calling’, being shortlisted for an award.

Over KPI
CASS's most successful recruitment campaign

“Using the animal kingdom as a metaphor for the strengths of the school, Lime created a campaign that achieved great stand out. The success of the campaign ensured that we cut through the noise and were also shortlisted for a Drum Marketing Award.”

Justin Scott, Communications Director, CASS
Cass Business School, two student laughing
Cass Business School, student in the library
Cass Business School, two students looking at a computer screen

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